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项目编号16230 最近更新2019年07月25日 15148人已浏览

Gene Mapping For Inborn Talents with Career Profiling



Map My Gene

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                                                Franchisee Opportunity for Southeast Asia:

1) Our Brand, Your Country

We adopted a business model of "Agent System" to market our products when we first started in 2009. In order to better control pricing and market growth structure, we have decided to grow our own brand around the world using Master and Stardard Licensing Partnership. We will work with you to grow market presence and revenue because growing your Business is Our Busienss.

2) Income Opportunities

Becoming a MasterLlicense Partner means you will be able to take advantage of multiply revenue generating stress of income. Not only will you have the opportunity to make a profit on your pilot location but also from selling licensee and earning ongoing royalties. We make sure you are poised to get the greatest return on your investment.

3) MMG Group Brand Awareness

If you like the idea of growing a business in your country while also helping other entrepreneurs to thrive and grow with their businesses, MMG Group may be right for you. We focus on business-to-business opportunities and provide unique ways to make an impact in your local community. We offer a turkey business with a proven system for growth. You'll benefit from our image, brand awareness and onging expertise.  

4) Training and Supporting

We have a team of support personnel to help you start and grow your organisation. They will guide you through the proven process of becoming a successful Master or Stardard License Partner. You'll benefit from decades of experience in sales, marketing, technical knowledge and more. Your success is at the core of what we do.


                                            Why you should not Miss it

1) Turkey Business: No prior industry experience is required. 

2) Proven System in place: We will train you to grow the brand in your country 

3) High likelihood of success: No competitor in the market

4) Image & Brand awareness: We have been exposed to our brand before you even open 

5) Comprehensive training: We will provide all the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

6) Exclusive region right: Master agent has the exclusive region right.

Click now to find out more www.mapmygene.com


  • Gene Mapping For Inborn Talents with Career Profiling


  • 2019年07月24日
    As a parent, don’t you think it would be fantastic to know beforehand your child’s strengths and weaknesses and even diseases that might be hidden in the family line? Now you can, with DNA profilin...



The Test Has Helped Me Understand My Daughter Better! The test results very accurately affirmed some of the traits my daughter has already been displaying like the various artistic ones, but it also highlighted others that I hadn’t noticed before. I’m sure as she gets older, she will display more of the strong traits that the test has mapped out. What really helps is that, now that I’m armed with this knowledge, I know how to enhance her activities accordingly and what to look out for in the future. The test report also has detailed advice for me to nurture her talents without pushing her too much and allowing her to grow in her time. All in all, this has helped me understand my daughter better in a very scientific way and for that, I’m very grateful.

Jamie Yeo

My name is Suryo Agung Wibowo. As featured on Wikipedia, I was a sprinter dubbed as “the fastest man in Southeast Asia” who still holds the best record time of 10.17 seconds achieved at the Southeast Asian Games. I recently did an Inborn Talents & Traits Gene Test at Map My Gene, the test result shows that I have 2 stars in sprint and technique genes including sports psychology (sportsmanship) which have accurately defined my characteristics and abilities. It is absolutely true that besides having the sprinting power, one needs technique as well to sprint properly to maximize speed. Other finding such as Tendency of Sports Injury indicates that I have the gene and hence I am at risk of that. It’s so true that I was injured and suffered many times during my career as an athlete. Had I known it early, I would have prevented it better by taking it seriously and supplementing with Vitamin C, D, E and Omega 3 oil that can help prevent sports injury. Suryo Agung Wibowo, Double Gold Medalist & Record Breaker

Suryo Agung Wibowo

Genetic Test – Crystal-balling a Person’s Ability I was introduced to Map My Gene’s Inborn Talent Gene Test by a good friend. The results accurately indicate that I have high technique genes together with endurance and sprint (explosive power) genes. Besides, I also attribute my winnings of Taekwondo sport which requires a lot of brain to my high IQ ability. In my career profile provided in my test report, I was recommended to be a Psychiatrist besides being an Athlete due to my strong S (social ability trait). I am now a retired athlete and a full time Hypnotherapist. Interestingly, hypnotherapy is similar to and has the same objective as psychotherapy whereby they both help and work on healing patients’ disorder and illnesses. I found this test very accurate and intriguing to the point that it is like a crystal ball that can predict a person’s abilities and future! Herru Sinta Berliana, 3 times Sea Games Gold Medalist in Taekwondo

Herru Sinta Berliana

My Test Result Is Very Accurate My wife and I were astounded by the result accuracy of my Inborn Talent Gene Test done at Map My Gene. The first 3 Career Recommendations for me are Research Director (I got my PhD in research field and am currently leading a team of researchers), Lawyer (I owned a law firm and oversaw lawyers many years ago) and Accountant (I agreed that I have strong accounting ability that even surpasses my own experienced chartered accountants). I strongly encourage those who are at the cross road and need direction for their career or education to take this test so that they will be guided according to their innate ability that they sometime don’t even know about. Dr. Chanboonyasitt, Doctor and Researcher

Dr. Chanboonyasitt

A Clearer Direction for Me as a Parent I recently had my kids undergo the Inborn Talent Gene Test at Map My Gene. I was very interested in the test because of my background as an artist and my husband an architect. As a parent, I would very much want to find out my kids’ field of interest and talents, but the problem is that kids oftentimes are confused in what they really like and good at, let alone parents like us who are trying to find it out through observation. As parents we always think we understand our kids’ interests and talents well and direct them accordingly. Surprisingly, after having read our kids’ gene test reports, we were very happy, just like assembling a puzzle, we could not imagine the end result from the start, and anticipate a winning outcome. Moreover, the report is very detailed that includes the child’s character, memory ability, reading ability, drawing, music and dancing aptitudes. It even shows if your child has athletic talents. What I really like about the test is that the report comes with a Career Profiling assessed based on your child’s unique abilities detected from the gene test, it really gives full details about your child! As a result, I now understand my children better and am able to focus in developing talents of Kahlia and Arsa, my beloved children! Agatha Suci, Mother of 2 and finalist of Indonesian Idol 2004

Agatha Suci

This is the Future of Talent Development & Discovery I have always understood that I had great intellectual abilities but it was not possible without developments. In the same way, I had never realized my musical aptitude and ability until i was exposed to a musical environment in Singapore (my parents had put me on a piano bench when I was 3 or 4 years old but I always ran off and couldn’t sit still). My dad let me do this test when I was already 16 years old. Had he known earlier, or had the technology been availed to him when i was 3, he would’ve insisted that I learn the piano and perhaps I would have had an even greater set of skills that I could never imagine, and what a tremendous advantage would it be! After doing the ITGT, he was so certain that I would succeed as an artist or a designer, or anything to do with performing arts because of my genes. Despite me being a genius, it didn’t mean that I was cut out for a career that was always Intellectual and Logical-Analytical. My R.I.A.S.E.C test results tells me that I’m an AES/I person which meant that my Artistic side is more dominant than that of my Intellectual side, which barely makes the cut behind my Social side. Now, I understand myself so much better and through the Inborn Talent Genetic-Test I realize that each one of us is unique and has tremendous talents that can be put to great use. Looking back, I realize that my genes explains my behaviors, abilities, and mannerisms in an incredibly accurate way. This is the future of talent-development and discovery. It is a hack to your own life. Do this test now and you will never look at your life (or your children’s lives) the same way ever again! Wong Jin Sheng

Wong Jin Sheng

I found MY direction In 2008, I graduated from Institute Technical of Education (ITE) with a certificate in Service Management and started my first job in Starhub’s customer service department. Throughout the entire year, I disliked my job because it didn’t fulfill my desire and passion. I knew I had to leave my workplace and find something different to do, but had little confidence in where to ever begin with. I had considered pursuing a Diploma in Real Estate but was afraid to spend a huge sum of money on school fees only to find out that it was not the course I was looking for. Since then, I had been so indecisive about what career path to take, and was putting a lot of pressure on myself to pick the “right” career. Hence, I was always on the lookout for possible alternatives. In 2010, my friend recommended me the Inborn Talent Genetic Test which I did not hesitate about giving a try. When the results were out, I was surprised to find out that my top career recommendation was listed “Musician” because of my outstanding music and performing genes. It also dawned on me that I was a Band section leader back in Secondary school and I really enjoyed playing music. This report had definitely enlightened me to a whole new level and helped me identify my new career path that best fit me based on my abilities that I truly felt passionate about. Without much delay, I started to attain teaching certificates and am currently pursuing a Diploma in music at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA). When we consider the high cost of a college education and a long term financial impact that our choices will have, this testing fee is a small investment that will return big rewards. Most importantly, it gives us a clear sense of direction, purpose, fulfillment and satisfaction by living up to our glorious destiny and being born to do something we are endowed with. Now I am proud to say that I am a Band Director in a College Symphonic Band in Singapore and I love my job. Thank you Map My Gene for helping me see the light and find my direction! Luo Tianze, Band Director and Performer

Luo Tianze

Inborn Talent Genetic Test Gives Your Child A Head Start Many parents may not know their child’s hidden talents. So unfortunately, some may not have a chance to live up to their potential and destiny. This Inborn Talent Genetic Test helps to discover those hidden talents, and allows parents to have the opportunity to develop their children’s potential and to maximize it. As for parents who think “I think my child is good at this or that”, well, they don’t have to guess anymore as this Inborn Talent Genetic Test will confirm their observation, and that is one good thing about it. What if they get the test done earlier? They can give the child a head start, no more guessing games, no more trials and errors, just focus on their talents that they have discovered, zoom in and develop it, and maximize it to the fullest potential! Irene Hannah Tan, Educational Psychologist

Irene Hannah Tan

Taufik Hidayat | Olympic Gold Medalist (IBF World, SEA Games) - This Test is Priceless! I took an Inborn Talent Gene Test from Map My Gene recently because I found the test very fascinating as an insight to how people behave and excel differently. I was also curious about what my own DNA had to say about me in regards to my talents and abilities. When I saw the result, I was amazed at the high accuracy shown especially in Sports Category. I have got many sports genes that had made me an athlete and a minister in the sports business now. This is a priceless test that I figure all parents would want to have for their child. If I had the test done years ago when I was much younger, I would have developed and reached my full potential that I believe could catapult me to greater heights of success. Taufik Hidayat, Olympic Gold Medalist (Men’s Singles), IBF World Championships Gold Medalist, 2 Times Sea Games Gold Medalist

Taufik Hidayat
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